Damning Evidence Censored: mRNA Jabs Linked To 74% Of ALL Deaths (technocracy.news)
Damning Evidence Censored: mRNA Jabs Linked To 74% Of ALL Deaths
Posted By: Frank Bergman via Slay News September 23, 2024
Dead bodies are piling up everywhere as the world is being gaslit with the largest propaganda campaign in history. The media: Crickets. Big Pharma: Slither. Politicians: Blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, people still line up to take more shots. This is the evidence for Omniwar that you can hear about here and here. This assault on humanity is so egregious that the public has its head driven into the sand.
史上最大のプロパガンダキャンペーンで世界中がマインドコントロールされて、自分自身の正気を疑わされながら、死体があちこちに積み重なっている。メディアは?コオロギのような音をたて続け。大手製薬会社は:クネクネにょろにょろ。政治家たちは: のらりくらり。その一方で、人々はさらなる注射を打つために列をなしている。これがオムニ・ウォー(地球全体での戦争の現象)の証拠である。人類に対するこの攻撃はあまりにもひどいため、国民は頭を砂の中に追いやられている。
Don’t mistake this as a study on the living. Rather, this isA Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination. Coroners are responsible for conducting post-mortem examinations and have medical degrees, but they are looked down on by Big Pharma and Big Media because they don’t practice on living patients.
The study was summarily pulled from all medical journals, even though it had passed peer review in the first place. Case closed. Move on. Nothing to see here. ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.
この研究は、そもそも査読を通過していたにもかかわらず、すべての医学雑誌から即座に引き上げられた。一件落着。次へ進もう。ここで見るべきものは何もない。 パトリック・ウッド TN編集部
An explosive study has sent shockwaves through the medical and scientific communities after finding that Covid mRNA shots are “directly” linked to 74% of all recorded deaths.
コビッドのmRNA注射が、記録された死亡例の74%に 「直接 」関連しているという爆発的な研究結果が発表され、医学界と科学界に衝撃が走った。
The damning study uncovered evidence in autopsy data showing that Covid injection contributed to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths around the world.
However, the study has been met with unprecedented censorship.
After being peer-reviewed, the study was pulled from major medical journals as “fact-checkers” scrambled to overrule the leading experts behind the research.
専門家による査読の後、「ファクト・チェッカー 」が研究の背後にいる第一人者を覆そうと奔走したため、研究は主要な医学雑誌から削除された。
The research team behind the study was made up of some of America’s leading oncologists, cardiologists, doctors, and scientists, including:
Nicolas Hulscher
Paul E. Alexander
Richard Amerling
Heather Gessling
Roger Hodkinson
William Makis
Harvey A. Risch
Mark Trozzi
Peter A. McCullough
- ニコラス・ヒュルシャー
- ポール・E・アレクサンダー
- リチャード・アマーリング
- ヘザー・ゲスリング
- ロジャー・ホドキンソン
- ウィリアム・マキス
- ハーベイ・A・リッシュ
- マーク・トロッツィ
- ピーター・A・マッカロー
The study found that 73.9% of all deaths were “directly due to or significantly contributed to” by Covid mRNA injections.
The autopsy data exposes a direct link “between COVID-19 vaccination and death,” the researchers note in their study’s paper.
In the “Background” section of the study’s paper, the researchers explain:
研究論文の 「背景 」の項で、研究者たちは次のように説明している:
“The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, has led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity.
“The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.”
In the “Methods” section, they note:
“We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023.
“All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included.
“Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.”
The research team initially identified 678 studies.
After screening for our inclusion criteria, the researchers included 44 papers for the study that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case.
The mean average age of death was 70.4 years.
The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%).
Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.
The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days.
Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.
A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.
Among those directly linked to Covid shots, the primary causes of death include:
Sudden cardiac death (35%)
Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)
Myocardial infarction (12%)
VITT (7.9%)
Myocarditis (7.1%)
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)
Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).
- 心臓突然死(35)
- 肺塞栓症(12.5%)。
- 心筋梗塞(12%)。
- VITT(7.9%)。
- 心筋炎(7.1)
- 多系統炎症症候群(4.6)
- 脳出血(3.8%)。
In the “Conclusions” section of the paper, the authors write:
論文の 「結論 」の項で著者らはこう書いている:
“The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.
“Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.”
The researchers warn that findings “indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.”
研究者らは、この知見は、「COVID-19ワクチンを接種した、あるいは今後接種する予定の多数の人のリスク層別化と死亡回避を目的とした、死亡の病態生理学的メカニズムの解明が緊急に必要であることを示している 」と警告している。
The study comes amid a growing body of evidence linking the Covid mRNA injections to multiple deadly health conditions and related sudden deaths.
As Slay News recently reported, another bombshell new global study of 2.7 billion people has just determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world.
However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally.
The study’s comprehensive 521-page report contains hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries.
The dataset analysed by the researchers comprises approximately 2.7 billion people which is about 35% of the world’s population.
The researchers calculated that the global death toll associated with Covid mRNA shots, up to 30 December 2022, was 16.9 million people.
Meanwhile, leading experts in Japan have just put out an emergency global warning as the nation is about to roll out dangerous new “self-amplifying” Covid mRNA “vaccines” for public use.
Japan Warns 'Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines' Will 'Trigger Worldwide Disaster' - Slay News
Japan Warns ‘Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines’ Will ‘Trigger Worldwide Disaster’
By Frank BergmanSeptember 21, 2024
Leading experts in Japan have just put out an emergency global warning as the nation is about to roll out dangerous new “self-amplifying” Covid mRNA “vaccines” for public use.
A group of scientists and a top Japanese lawmaker have just held a press conference to raise the alarm over the new “vaccines,” warning they will “trigger a worldwide disaster.”
The controversial new “self-amplifying” Covid mRNA “vaccine” was developed by an obscure San Diego-based biotech company called Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.
Arcturus Therapeutics, which is also an emerging pharmaceutical company, recently had its self-amplifying mRNA vaccine become accepted by Japanese regulators.
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) granted approval for ARCT-154, a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine.
The shot will be used for initial vaccination and booster for adults 18 years and older.
This new Covid sa-mRNA vaccine targeting was developed by Arcturus Therapeutics in partnership with Melbourne, Australia-based CSL.
In October the Japanese health authorities will roll the sa-mRNA Covid vaccine out to the population.
The approval is based on positive clinical data from several ARCT-154 studies, including an ongoing 16,000-subject efficacy study performed in Vietnam.
Initial study results have been published in MedRxiv and are expected to be published in a peer-reviewed journal by the end of the year.
However, the approval of the experimental vaccines has been met with a widespread backlash from Japanese scientists and medical experts, who have already been sounding the alarm about the “traditional” mRNA injections.
In response to the looming rollout of the new shots, Japanese Member of Parliament Ryuhei Kawada led an emergency press conference in Japan to warn the public.
At his event, he and colleagues expressed great concern about the country’s upcoming launch of the “mRNA replicon vaccines.”
記者会見では、川田議員や同僚議員たちが、日本での 「mRNAレプリコンワクチン 」の開始について大きな懸念を表明した。
During the press conference, Kawada argued that the October 1 deployment effort involving the COVID-19 vaccines “should be halted.”
記者会見で川田氏は、COVID-19ワクチンに関わる10月1日の配備作業は 「中止すべきだ 」と主張した。
Citing a study published in Cell, scientists looked at how something similar to the replicon mRNA vaccine worked when put into cells.
They found that the vaccine parts kept increasing inside the cells.
Experts are warning that these self-replicating mRNA vaccines continue to replicate in an out-of-control manner throughout the cells and more of the body.
The concern would be that particulas known as extracellular vesicles (including exosomes) could lead to shedding via bodily fluids and the like.
The Japanese regulators and Arcturus Therapeutics are refusing to discuss such risks, however.
“We are addressing this press conference from the standpoint that the replicon vaccine should be halted,” Kawada said during the presser.
“Therefore, we have decided to hold this emergency press conference.
“This self-replicating immune agent, scheduled to start regular vaccinations from October 1st, ought to be halted, and I strongly advocate for this action.
“Additionally, we must ensure thorough investigation and verification to provide relief to mRNA vaccine victims who have suffered significant harm.
“This must be systematically carried out.
“Instead of merely discarding unused vaccines, we should facilitate research by passing them on to researchers for analysis.
“I intend to make these demands to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.”
Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima of Nagoya University also raised concerns about the new injections.
“Compared to those who are unvaccinated, the mortality rate is five times higher if you get vaccinated twice,” Prof. Kojima warned.
“The purpose of receiving vaccination is indeed to reduce the mortality rate, but ironically, the rate was five times higher after receiving the vaccine.”
Professor Murakami of Tokyo Science University also expressed similar concerns.
“Japan is planning a large-scale rollout of self-amplifying vaccines, which are considered hazardous materials…” Murakami told the Japanese people.
「日本は自己増幅型ワクチンの大規模な展開を計画しているが、これは危険物とみなされる...」 村上教授は日本国民にこう語った。
“…by the beginning of next month, Japan has the potential to trigger a worldwide disaster.”
“The vaccines do not seem to be effective,” he warned.
“They do not work. They lack efficacy.
“mRNA vaccines have resulted in many deaths, injuries, and victims.”
“Despite knowing they are ineffective, their use could possibly cause significant international damage,” Prof. Murakami added.
“There is also the possibility of person-to-person transmission.
“There is absolutely no need to administer it. There is no need at all.
“Therefore, knowing this and still administering the vaccine, I believe, is a crime. ”
WATCH: Japan Warns 'Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines' Will 'Trigger Worldwide Disaster' (rumble.com)
Japanese Emergency Press Conference: By the beginning of October 2024, Japan has the potential to "trigger a worldwide disaster as self amplifying mRNA vaccines are being administered to the public. " Japanese Member of Parliament Ryuhei Kawada We are addressing this press conference from the standpoint that the replicon vaccine should be halted. Therefore, we have decided to hold this emergency press conference. This self-replicating immune agent, scheduled to start regular vaccinations from October 1st, ought to be halted, and I strongly advocate for this action. Additionally, we must ensure thorough investigation and verification to provide relief to mRNA vaccine victims who have suffered significant harm. This must be systematically carried out. Instead of merely discarding unused vaccines, we should facilitate research by passing them on to researchers for analysis. I intend to make these demands to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima of Nagoya University: Compared to those who are unvaccinated, the mortality rate is five times higher if you get vaccinated twice. The purpose of receiving vaccination is indeed to reduce the mortality rate, but ironically, the rate was five times higher after receiving the vaccine. Prof Murukami of Tokyo Science University: "Japan is planning a large-scale rollout of self-amplifying vaccines, which are considered hazardous materials..." "...by the beginning of next month, Japan has the potential to trigger a worldwide disaster". "The vaccines do not seem to be effective. They do not work. They lack efficacy. mRNA vaccines have resulted in many deaths, injuries, and victims." "Despite knowing they are ineffective, their use could possibly cause significant international damage. There is also the possibility of person-to-person transmission. There is absolutely no need to administer it. There is no need at all. Therefore, knowing this and still administering the vaccine, I believe, is a crime. "
日本の緊急記者会見: 2024年10月初旬までに、日本は「自己増幅型mRNAワクチンが国民に投与され、世界的な災害を引き起こす可能性がある。「川田龍平議員 私たちは、レプリコンワクチンを中止すべきだという立場から、この記者会見に臨みます。そこで、この緊急記者会見を開くことにしました。10月1日から定期接種化が予定されているこの自己複製免疫製剤の接種は中止すべきであり、そのことを強く主張します。また、重大な被害を被ったmRNAワクチン被害者を救済するために、徹底した調査と検証を行わなければならない。これは組織的に実施されなければならない。単に未使用ワクチンを廃棄するのではなく、研究者に渡して分析させることで研究を促進させるべきです。このような要望を総理大臣や厚生労働省に申し入れていくつもりです。名古屋大学の小島誠治教授: ワクチン未接種の人に比べ、2回接種すると死亡率が5倍になる。予防接種を受ける目的は確かに死亡率を下げることですが、皮肉なことに、ワクチンを受けた後の死亡率は5倍になっています。東京理科大学の村上教授は言う: 「日本は自己増幅型ワクチンの大規模展開を計画している。「来月初めまでに、日本は世界的な災害を引き起こす可能性がある。「ワクチンは効果がないようだ。効き目がない。mRNAワクチンは多くの死者、負傷者、犠牲者を出している。「効果がないとわかっているにもかかわらず、その使用は国際的に大きな損害をもたらす可能性がある。人から人への感染の可能性もある。投与する必要はまったくない。必要性はまったくない。従って、それを知りながらワクチンを投与することは犯罪であると私は思う。」
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: The Four Key Goals of the WHO’s Globalist Agenda (substack.com)
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: The Four Key Goals of the WHO’s Globalist Agenda
World Health Organization Whistleblower and International Public Health Scientist, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Describes the Four Key Goals of the WHO’s Globalist Agenda
Sep 24, 2024
World Health Organization Whistleblower and International Public Health Scientist, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Describes the Four Key Goals of the WHO’s Globalist Agenda
1. Put people into a "sick mode" using fear
2. Compel people to get "an injection" into their bodies
3. Gain "total control of the population by the agenda of technology, QR codes, and genome editing digitization."
テクノロジー、QRコード、ゲノム編集のデジタル化というアジェンダによって、「人口の完全支配 」を得る。
4. Achieve transhumanism
“…The agenda now for me is much clearer than before. The private sector with Bill and Melinda Gates and GAVI had an agenda since the long time, it was already in UNISEF…it is to get an injection into the body of people…”
GAVI ー vaccine alliance ワクチン連合