My hunch was not off after all.
In Japan MP Ryuhei Kawada held a press conference warning a replicon vaccine the Japanese government is expected to approve starting October 1st, will make vaccinated people able to contaminate the DNA of people they come into contact. “Compared to those who are unvaccinated, the mortality rate is 5X higher if you get vaccinated twice. We cannot continue these mRNA ‘vaccines’…” Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima warns.
日本では川田龍平議員が記者会見を開き、日本政府が10月1日から承認する予定のレプリコンワクチンは、ワクチンを接種した人が接触した人のDNAを汚染する可能性があると警告した。「ワクチン未接種の人に比べ、2回接種すると死亡率は5倍になる。このようなmRNA 「ワクチン 」を続けることはできない...」 と小島誠治教授は警告する。
Richard Koshimizu of the Japan Independence Party says the Japanese slave government is also planning to try to kill a large portion of the population through weaponized bird flu starting in October.
This prompted an emergency meeting between representatives of the Yamaguchi Gumi, the Sumiyoshi Rengo, Japanese military intelligence and US military white hats on September 18th. At the meeting it was decided to demand, with an October 1st deadline, the removal of the chief architects of this policy: fake US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel and Prince Hitachi.,_Prince_Hitachi
このため9月18日、山口組、住吉連合、日本軍情報部、米軍ホワイトハットの代表者による緊急会議が開かれた。この会議では、10月1日を期限として、この政策の立案者であるラーム・エマニュエル偽米大使と常陸宮殿下の解任を要求することが決定された。,_Prince_Hitachi 。
According to Japanese right-wing sources, Prince Hitachi says the government is planning to murder a large portion of the Japanese population because they have been ordered to reduce the population of Japan to 70 million from the current 125 million by the KM.
The participants in the meeting also agreed the current candidates to replace Prime Minister Fumio Kishida were all compromised slaves. Japanese Foreign Ministry sources confirm there is now a power vacuum and nobody knows who will be the next Prime Minister of Japan.
Japanese people need to rethink about the emperor being “the symbol” for Japanese national. Based on the above statement, the Prince whose name I have never heard of decided to go ahead with the Replicon bio weapon on the Japanese. It was Emperor Hirohito who gave the go ahead to attack Pearl Harbor in spite of General Tojo Hideki warning not to do so.
I am sorry to say this, but the Imperial family does not appear to have above average IQ, and they should not have the power to decide important matters such as wars.
And who the hell is Rahm Emanuel? A mere ambassador from the US with dual citizenship from Israel.
The Imperial family appears to be only concerned about the Japanese with YAP DNAs, but they are 40% of the entire population according to Masami Uno. What about the 60% who do not benefit from the ancient Jewish tradition to abandon Japan,144000 of them, heading to the Middle East based off of the Biblical prophecy?
They do not have the right to determine or represent the 60% of Japanese without the YAP DNAs from Judea.
彼らには、ユダヤからのYAP DNAを持たない日本人の60%を決定したり、代表したりする権利はないというのが私の意見です。
The Emperor has been running the devil's (Khazarian Mafia) errand since the Meiji Restoration.