Last seen: 2024-10-13 13:33
BlueJay – Activity – OWON FORUM ( 真実は不死鳥
I have added new articles. 新しい記事を追加しました。 BlueJay – Activity – OWON FORUM (
Reposting WHO and vaccine articles: Damning Evidence Censored: mRNA Jabs Linked To 74% Of ALL Deaths ( Damning Evidence Censored:...
UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman カオスと危機を伴う国連買収 - アレッ...
@canauzzie I just saw that my comments require moderation by ej who is not unbiased. I do not subscribe to his double standards.
I decided to take note of what I learned from participating at OWON Forum. Canauzzie is a busy man, so it may take a few days for him to delete my com...
@ej4mnj Those who never had personal power within themselves abuse it when he is allowed just a little. I am so happy for you that my not being ...
Canauzzie, Please delete all of my comments along with my login ID from this forum. It was nice knowing you, I will continue our dialogue in priva...
@vlastimil Yes. Off topic but related is food shortages and deliberate famine I was thinking about last night. We the people could prepare for what is...
I forgot how to add an avatar, but looks like it worked. I just found a picture and copied the address.
Hello! I have changed my handle from SF Driver to BlueJay, for the issues I was dealing with with the old handle no longer exist without going into ...